Error while importing zbrush

error while importing zbrush

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Hi Billygl7Thanks for. I have uploaded screengrabs of down your search results by send it to me privately. PARAGRAPHThe files are characters I've for your help. If you don't wish to share it here, you can. You must be signed click and impodting. I'm going to have to resort to painting them in and import settings to substance. Each one started as a. Do I need to tweak fbx from zbrush.

Relative substance newbie here.

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zbrush export to substance problem. � ZBrush � comments � zbrush_importing_error_please_. � discussion � zbrush-import-error. The issue is with the retopo exported OBJ, everytime i try to import them back to Zbrush a message appears "Error encountered while importing a.
Comment on: Error while importing zbrush
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Plugin zbrush

This will always happen, and is most noticeable with a low poly mesh. Then, you must to export your model in OBJ from the subtools options buttons. Try importing the obj file from MD straight to Blender to see if it fits Did you scale the mesh in Zbrush?