Can you use zbrush on microsoft surface pro

can you use zbrush on microsoft surface pro

Zbrush button off screen

What settings did you use perhaps the next version will fix those problems.

Zbrush 9

Is it possible to get. In reply to Barb Bowman's post on September 2, I using the Wacom, it's like you specified but unfortunately, that but using a taxi to to use a Wacom. Zbrush, Blender and Houdini all wacom tablet to input pen.

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It's not exactly workstation class hardware but it does a decent job as long as you don't take the piss - runs most things fine (max, substance. � watch. I have a SP3 i7, and regularly sculpt with subtools at mil. KeyShot runs great because it's also cpu based like ZBrush.
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These customized toolboxes, or docks, are made possible by an ingenious program called AutoHotkey, which enables users to assign common keyboard, mouse and touch commands to onscreen icons. I have it. The buttons are now a nice size that is difficult to miss. Your suggestions are welcomed.