How to migrate zbrush interface to another computer

how to migrate zbrush interface to another computer

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#AskZBrush - \
Legacy Users (Perpetual licenses purchased through Pixologic): browse to its folder on your computer and run ZUpgrader. This will update your. ZBrush user interface. If you are new to ZBrush I highly encourage you to watch this full video, as a lot of the things covered here are. You can then cycle the UI/colors using the arrows at the top of the menu bar (I recommend clearing out or moving any of the default ones you don.
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Give it a try and let me know if that solves the problem. Leaving the quick save location on your SSD will allow the files to save and load faster. Figure 6 shows a submenu placed within a custom menu. Doing so activates the options in the Custom UI menu. But, ZBrush has a unique interface designed specifically for digital sculpting and painting.