Zbrush polygroups to subtool

zbrush polygroups to subtool

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This operation will smooth out new SubTool from the extracted.

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#AskZBrush - How to Export All SubTools Into One Format and Keep SubTool Names
In Zbrush, there are subtools that make up parts of your sculpt. These can work similarly to layers in photoshop. If your model has different elements go to Tool > Polygroups and select Auto Groups. You can then go to SubTools > Split and click Groups Split. I'm trying to merge a bunch of subtools into one subtool group. But retaining the ability to click and select each one. I can do this one by one.
Comment on: Zbrush polygroups to subtool
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  • zbrush polygroups to subtool
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You could try GoB to Blender. This will leave unchanged the vertices at the mesh [polygroup] borders. Why not use ZRemesher and stay in Zbrush? If you need to separate your mesh but keep it as one object then consider Polygroups instead.