Windows 10 and 10 pro the same download

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How to download Windows 10 ISO directly from Microsoft homepage � � Operating Systems � Windows � Windows When you count all the different ways Windows 10 will be available, there are actually ten editions: Windows 10 Home, Pro, Pro for. Windows 10 Pro: How to download, install and activate � 1. Press the "Windows key" + "R", type "" and hit "Enter" � 2. Enter your Windows 10 Pro product.
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There is not much difference, but you must still know to choose the right operating system. Or perhaps you have a shrink-wrapped retail copy of Windows 7 Professional or Ultimate, where the license associated with the product key is no longer in use. There are plenty of apps available in the Microsoft Store, but the best Windows apps can remain elusive. Not surprisingly, using the recovery image gave me an installation of Windows 10 Home. All three mainstream versions are on this list and should give you the best choices for general computing or school.